
Instituto Superior Técnico @ Congress Center

Application form

November, 04

About the event

IST invites you to the eigth edition of the PhD Open Days.
This is a major opportunity for more than one thousand PhD students to socialize and share their research with the rest of the academic community, companies, and alumni.

The event starts with the official Welcome Reception Ceremony for the new enrolled PhD students. Besides a permanent poster exhibition with the most recent research developments made by PhD students, you are invited to attend several plenary talks in cutting-edge research fields and meet successful alumni from IST PhD Programs. You will also have the opportunity to meet “face-to-face” in a round table with companies interested in hiring PhDs from IST. Besides the pitch competition, considered one of the highlights, this time the “Out of the box” session brings you inspirational personal testimonies that can boost your future career.

The last day of the event is dedicated to “PhD Workshops”, where PhD students can attend selected workshops from technical to soft skills topics.

You are all invited to attend the PhD Open Days from November 14 to 16 at the Congress Center (Civil Building) of IST.


Rules and Templates

Important information for Posters:

  • Deadline for applications – November, 04
  • Notifications of acceptance – November, 09
  • Poster delivering at the Post-Graduation Area – November, 11
  • Poster template

Important information for the Pitch Competition:

  • Deadline for applications – November, 04
  • Notification of the selected participants – November, 09
  • The “Best 3 Pitch presentations” will be awarded  at the end of the Session
  • Rules & prizes for the Pith Competition

Important information for the Round Table “Meet-up with your future”:

  • Deadline for applications – November, 04
  • Notification of the selected participants – November, 09
  • This session has a limited number of participants (36)




09h15 – 09h30

Opening Session

Rogério Colaço - President of IST

09h30 – 10h30

Welcome Reception Ceremony of the new PhD students

Alexandre Francisco - Vice-President of the Management Board for Academic Affairs @ IST
Mário Gaspar da Silva - President of the Ethics Commission @ IST
Júlia Oliveira - Head of the Post-Graduation Area @ IST
Isabel Gonçalves - Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office @ IST
Carla Patrocínio - Head of the Technology Transfer Office @ IST
Denise Matos- Head of the International Affairs @ IST
Carolina Sequeira - Member of the PhD Students Club @ IST
Francisco Sousa - Student Guide - Student Support Unit @ IST

10h30 – 11h00

Poster Session with coffee break

11h00 – 12h00

Invited Talk: "Drawing inspiration from cognitive neuroscience to improve foundation models"

Arlindo Oliveira - Full Professor @ DEI/IST

12h00 – 14h00


14h00 – 15h00

PhD with the Industry

Francisco C. Santos - Vice President @ FCT
Carla Pedro - Director General @ APQuímica
Francisco Lemos - Full Professor @ DEQ/IST

15h00 – 16h30

Round Table - “Meet-up with your future”

Participation of the following companies:
BNP Paribas; Deloitte; GTSPT – Ground Transportation Systems Portugal S.A; Hovione; Jerónimo Martins; Kearney; Magma; NOS

and with the collaboration of the following teams: Career Center and PhD Student Club from IST

16h30 – 17h00

Poster Session with coffee break



09h30 – 10h30

Invited Talk: "Towards a multidisciplinary conservation strategy for built cultural heritage; case studies in Sintra"

Rita Bento - Full Professor @ DECivil/IST

10h30 – 11h00

Poster Session with coffee break

11h00 – 12h00

Alumni Session

Duarte Dinis - Associate Researcher @ CEG/IST
João Delgado - Senior Business Developer @ Fusion Fuel
Sara Badenes - A4F – Algae for Future

12h00 – 14h00


14h00 – 15h00

Invited Talk: "New test of the black hole metric with EHT images of Sgr A*"

Lia Medeiros - NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow @ the Institute for Advanced Study

15h00 – 16h30

Pitch Competition

16h30 – 17h00

Poster Session with coffee break

17h00 – 18h00

Out of the Box Session: “Fail! Inspiring resilience”

Ana Dias - CFO @ Cofina

Jaime Jorge - Co founder and CEO @ Codacy

José Tribolet - Distinguished Professor (retired) @ IST/Founder and ex-President of INESC

Moderator: Fábio Cruz - Researcher @ Inductiva Research Labs

18h00 – 18h15

Closing Ceremony

Rodrigo Rodrigues - President of the Scientific Council of IST



09h30 – 12h30 and 14h00 – 16h00

How to prepare an excellent presentation (or at least an acceptable one)

Luís M. Correia - Associate Professor @ DEEC/IST

09h30 – 11h00

Writing of the PhD Thesis and preparation of the document

João Ramôa Correia - Full Professor @ DECivil/IST

09h30 – 12h30

Science communication for researchers

Joana Lobo Antunes - Head of Communications @ IST

11h00 – 12h30

Publishing scientific articles in open access: tools for IST authors

Thaiane Honda Cotts - Ph.D. researcher @ Universidade de Coimbra

11h00 – 12h30

Intellectual property overview

Patricia Lima - Coordinator of the Intellectual Property Unit @ TT/IST

13h30 – 16h30

Social media for researchers

Sílvio Mendes - Social Media Manager and Science Communicator @ IST

14h00 – 15h30

Launching a science backed business with the support of venture capital financing

Alexandre Barbosa - Managing Partner @ Faber

14h00 – 17h00

LaTeX 101 - A soft introduction to scientific typesetting

João Nuno Silva - Assistant Professor @ DEEC/IST

16h30 – 17h30

A practical introduction to reinforcement learning

João Ribeiro - Researcher @ GAIPS/INESC-ID

Welcome Reception

Main Speakers


Jury of the Pitch Competition


Pitch competition with PhD Students

Posters of PhD students





Opening Session

Rogério Colaço - President of IST

Welcome Reception Ceremony of the new PhD students

Alexandre Francisco - Vice-President of the Management Board for Academic Affairs @ IST
Mário Gaspar da Silva - President of the Ethics Commission @ IST
Júlia Oliveira - Head of the Post-Graduation Area @ IST
Isabel Gonçalves - Technical Coordinator of the Academic Development Office @ IST
Carla Patrocínio - Head of the Technology Transfer Office @ IST
Denise Matos- Head of the International Affairs @ IST
Carolina Sequeira - Member of the PhD Students Club @ IST
Francisco Sousa - Student Guide - Student Support Unit @ IST

Poster Session with coffee break

Invited Talk: "Drawing inspiration from cognitive neuroscience to improve foundation models"

Arlindo Oliveira - Full Professor @ DEI/IST


PhD with the Industry

Francisco C. Santos - Vice President @ FCT
Carla Pedro - Director General @ APQuímica
Francisco Lemos - Full Professor @ DEQ/IST

Round Table - “Meet-up with your future”

Participation of the following companies:
BNP Paribas; Deloitte; GTSPT – Ground Transportation Systems Portugal S.A; Hovione; Jerónimo Martins; Kearney; Magma; NOS

and with the collaboration of the following teams: Career Center and PhD Student Club from IST

Poster Session with coffee break



Invited Talk: "Towards a multidisciplinary conservation strategy for built cultural heritage; case studies in Sintra"

Rita Bento - Full Professor @ DECivil/IST

Poster Session with coffee break

Alumni Session

Duarte Dinis - Associate Researcher @ CEG/IST
João Delgado - Senior Business Developer @ Fusion Fuel
Sara Badenes - A4F – Algae for Future


Invited Talk: "New test of the black hole metric with EHT images of Sgr A*"

Lia Medeiros - NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow @ the Institute for Advanced Study

Pitch Competition

Poster Session with coffee break

Out of the Box Session: “Fail! Inspiring resilience”

Ana Dias - CFO @ Cofina

Jaime Jorge - Co founder and CEO @ Codacy

José Tribolet - Distinguished Professor (retired) @ IST/Founder and ex-President of INESC

Moderator: Fábio Cruz - Researcher @ Inductiva Research Labs

Closing Ceremony

Rodrigo Rodrigues - President of the Scientific Council of IST



How to prepare an excellent presentation (or at least an acceptable one)

Luís M. Correia - Associate Professor @ DEEC/IST

Writing of the PhD Thesis and preparation of the document

João Ramôa Correia - Full Professor @ DECivil/IST

Science communication for researchers

Joana Lobo Antunes - Head of Communications @ IST

Publishing scientific articles in open access: tools for IST authors

Thaiane Honda Cotts - Ph.D. researcher @ Universidade de Coimbra

Intellectual property overview

Patricia Lima - Coordinator of the Intellectual Property Unit @ TT/IST

Social media for researchers

Sílvio Mendes - Social Media Manager and Science Communicator @ IST

Launching a science backed business with the support of venture capital financing

Alexandre Barbosa - Managing Partner @ Faber

LaTeX 101 - A soft introduction to scientific typesetting

João Nuno Silva - Assistant Professor @ DEEC/IST

A practical introduction to reinforcement learning

João Ribeiro - Researcher @ GAIPS/INESC-ID